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  • El agua bajo el suelo de Murcia (2) – Sala del Agua

    Audioguía / Audio guide



    Descripción del módulo / Module description


    This scale model shows, roughly, the texture and structure of the subsoil of Murcia, up to a depth of 100 metres, and  allow us to observe the paths that follows the water since it percolates the ground until its exit through the wells.

    From Contraparada to Beniel, passing by Murcia, you can check how the Segura river flows over the green surface of ‘la Huerta’ and  beneath, through the permeable materials that it has laid over its history.

    The model is equipped with  vertical piping, that behave as actual wells, whereby subsoil water is withdrawn, through the slotted zone. Arrows mark the situation of this zone and the origin of water in every well.  

    El agua bajo el suelo de Murcia (2) / Water under the land of Murcia (2)

    «El agua bajo el suelo de Murcia (2)» es un módulo de la Sala del Agua incluido dentro de la sección «Agua y geografía»