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  • El ciclo del agua – Sala del Agua

    Audioguía / Audio guide



    Descripción del módulo / Module description


    Push the buttons to know in detail the parts of the Cycle of Water.

    Due to the heat of the Sun, water evaporates and after that it condenses and forms the clouds. These clouds return the water to the land in form of rain, snow or hail. When it arrives to the soil it runs over the surface forming currents and rivers that discharge on the sea. Other part of the water is filtered in the soil and allows it to keep its moisture. It also can infiltrate underground and stay as ground water that sooner or later will emerge to surface, in a river or in the sea.

    The water of the surface of the planet is submitted to a continuous cycle, even if the fraction located on the ocean floor and the polar caps circulates in a slower way. Water currently in the bottom of some oceanic basins stopped being in contact with the atmosphere several hundreds of years ago.   

    El ciclo del agua / The cycle of water

    «El ciclo del agua» es un módulo de la Sala del Agua incluido dentro de la sección «Agua y geografía»