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  • En casa, elige ahorrar – Sala del Agua

    Audioguía / Audio guide



    Descripción del módulo / Module description


    Take care. Save. Reuse. Do not pollute. Enjoy it without wasting it!

    Consuming water in an efficient way is easier than you can imagine. What about including these small water-saving acts in our daily routine?

    12  L per minute. Closing the tap when it is not in use: while soaping in the shower, washing dishes, when we brush our teeth…

    170 L a month. Use the washing machine and the dishwasher full loaded and never half loaded.

    6 to 12 L each time. Fix leaky taps and install mixer taps.

    6 to 12 L each time. Do not use the toilet to throw litter, place a trash can instead. In this way we will not empty the water reservoir every time we want to throw something.

    6 to 12 l each time. Better the shower than the bathtub.

    En casa, elige ahorrar / At home, choose to save

    «En casa, elige ahorrar» es un módulo de la Sala del Agua incluido dentro de la sección «Agua y usos»