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  • La ciudad, las industrias y los cultivos – Sala del Agua

    Audioguía / Audio guide



    Descripción del módulo / Module description


    Run like water!

    Industrial uses. 2% in Murcia. 22 % in the world.
    Industries use water in a thousand different ways and consume 2 % of available water.

    🙂 Industry sector pioneers recycling and reuse of water resources.
     🙁 Industry pollution of water and air is the highest

    Urban uses. 15 % in Murcia . 8 % in the world.
    Municipal, residential, commercial,  public and recreational use.

    🙂 Cleaning methods of waste water make possible to return it to nature in better conditions.
    🙁 In tourist period when water is limited, residential and recreational use increases considerably.

    Agricultural uses. 83 % in Murcia. 70 % in the world.
    Agriculture is very important in the region and its use of water is higher than global average.

    🙂 Crops in Murcia are the most modern in Europe and manage to make efficient use of water.
    🙁  In Murcia shortage of water resources is combined with an agricultural sector of great importance.

    La ciudad, las industrias y los cultivos / Cities, industries and crops

    «La ciudad, las industrias y los cultivos» es un módulo de la Sala del Agua incluido dentro de la sección «Agua y usos»