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  • La máquina de vapor – Sala del Agua

    Audioguía / Audio guide



    Descripción del módulo / Module description


    Heat the water of the recipient with the pushbutton and observe what happens.

    When water reaches its boiling point it evaporates. If that happens in a closed recipient water vapour concentrates with high pressure. If we control exhaust gases, we can use that force to convert it into another type of energy. In this case, exhaust gases force the motion of the windmill. This very principle allows steam locomotives to carry heavy wagons.

    In the year 1679, french engineer Denis Papin developed his ‘steam marmite´ . The vapour pressure inside was enough to move machines and to cook food faster.

    Even before, on the first century, the greek engineer Heron had built a hollow sphere joint to two bent tubes. When the water boiled in the sphere, vapour slipped away in the tubes and the whole spun quickly. Heron invented the firs steam engine.

    La máquina de vapor / Steam engine

    «La máquina de vapor» es un módulo de la Sala del Agua incluido dentro de la sección «Agua y ciencia»