~~~ >>>El martes 3 de septiembre comenzamos con el horario habitual del museo. >>>El lunes 2 permanecerá cerrado. ~~~
Litoral sumergido – Sala del Agua
Audioguía / Audio guide
Descripción del módulo / Module description
Marine phanerogams They are going to endow this depth with unique features for life, supplying oxygen, nutrients and shelter to a wide marine community. The so-called » marine forest » is constituted by meadows of the most important among the phanerogams, Posidonia oceanica.
Sandy These sea bottoms are characterized by having a highly monotonous an impoverish appearance, with few vegetation cover or animals in its surface. Nonetheless, there are plenty of organisms who live buried under the sand.
Rocky These bottoms are very rich in flora and fauna. They present a high landscape beauty, exhibiting steep and changing contours, with appealing forms and colours from the abundant vegetal and animal species that upholster it almost completely.
Coastal detritic Soft bottoms, whose sediments are a mix of elements of inert and organic source ( remains of shells). We can find a high variety of algae and fauna, with all the taxa represented, from sponges and cnidarians to molluscs, crustacean and fishes.
Coralligenous Bottoms where the main organisms are calcareous or coralline algae. With stunning design, crowded with flora and fauna. This «forest» is very rich in life, providing food and shelter to a great diversity of fauna.
Litoral sumergido / Underwater coastline
«Litoral sumergido» es un módulo de la Sala del Agua incluido dentro de la sección «Agua y vida»
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