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  • Los ingenios del agua – Sala del Agua

    Audioguía / Audio guide



    Descripción del módulo / Module description


    The human being has always been a fountain of creativity, designing and creating new and simple engines but with an enormous  efficiency. Between these engines we could find waterwheels and the Archimedes screw, that were designed for elevate and extract water.

    A waterwheel is a big wheel with transverse fins partially submerged in a path of water that transmit to the wheel a continuous movement. The wheel has a row of containers that are filled with water with its own movement. The buckets are elevated and spilled in different ducts. The water is distributed to the lowlands thanks to the irrigation ditch.

    Another engine to elevate the water is the Archimedes screw. It’s based on a screw that rotates inside a hollow cylinder, placed on a inclined plane that allows lifting the body or fluid located below the axis of rotation. From its invention until now has been used for the pumping and gutters to be attached to distribute the materials that it pumps or extracts.

    Los ingenios del agua /

    «Los ingenios del agua» es un módulo de la Sala del Agua incluido dentro de la sección «Agua y ciencia»