>>>El martes 3 de septiembre comenzamos con el horario habitual del museo.
>>>El lunes 2 permanecerá cerrado.
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  • Suministro de agua – Sala del Agua

    Audioguía / Audioguide



    Descripción del módulo / Module description


    Push the button and observe the water level.

    Urban mass is a voracious water spender. Domestic use, street cleaning, garden maintenance, industries and many other city elements have water as raw material.

    To provide the whole urban nucleus it is imperative the scoring on the ground connected to the reservoirs , almost always remote, that feed it with water. And besides a whole water sewage network. 

    Clean water reaches a particular pressure and transit through the channel, like in this sample. Look how all the vessel have the same water level. That is due to the law of connected vessels: all the points of a liquid that withstand the same pressure are located within the same horizontal level.  Since the free surface of these vessels is under the same atmospheric pressure, the liquid is levelled.

    Suministro de agua /

    «Suministro de agua» es un módulo de la Sala del Agua incluido dentro de la sección «Agua y usos»