>>>El martes 3 de septiembre comenzamos con el horario habitual del museo.
>>>El lunes 2 permanecerá cerrado.
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  • Usos del agua – Sala del Agua

    Audioguía / Audio guide



    Descripción del módulo / Module description


    Check the amount of water contained in each container.

    These three vessels correspond to the volume of water  used in Spain for agricultural, domestic, and agricultural purposes. In our autonomous region, agricultural use of water is way higher than the remaining two.

    Usually, water is submitted to different treatments to be suitable for human consumption or to different industrial applications. Treatments may be physical, chemical or bacteriological.

    Water is involved in industry as raw material, cooling agent, heat carrier, or source of energy.Industries that consume more water are, steel industry, thermal power stations, paper pulp factories, petrochemical companies, textile finishing and food industry. 

    Usos del agua / Uses of water

    «Usos del agua» es un módulo de la Sala del Agua incluido dentro de la sección «Agua y usos»