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  • Welcome

    Science and Water Museum

    Founded in 1996 and located in Murcia (Spain), the Science and Water Museum is a public institution devoted to promote and spread scientific knowledge among the general public in a fun and interactive way.

    The Museum organises regular activities for all audiences such as workshops, conferences or special events, and features four spaces: the Water Hall, the Temporary Exhibition Hall, the Planetarium and the Descubre H2O Room.

    The Water Hall

    In the Water Hall visitors have fun discovering the relationship between water and living beings, our planet history, its chemical and physical properties and the importance of making responsible use of water resources. 

    You will enjoy our interactive modules, acquariums and terrariums which are grouped in different areas: water and science, water and life, water and geography and water and its uses, among others. 

    The Temporary Exhibition Hall

    The Museum features an exhibitions space where visitors can access different temporary exhibitions dedicated to science and water themes, produced by the Science and Water Museum or by others institutions or museums.

    Our scientific interests are very diverse. Some past exhibitions were about paleontology and mineralogy, vulcanology, mathematics, acquariology, geography, optics, entomology, medicine or music and astronomy.

    In the same way, we have a commited with new techniques and interactive material. 

    The Planetarium

    Under the dome of our Planetarium you can enjoy a simulation of the night sky: contemplating the Milky Way, the largest stars and the constellations which the make up, the planets, the Moon… The Planetarium’s projector also allow us to make exciting virtual journeys through the Universe.

    Sessions are conducted by a monitor, while the content can be adapted to the characteristics of the audience. The Planetariums’s programms are very versatiles, and we offer differents sessiones like «The Solar System», «Explore Our Night Sky» or «Documentary of the Month». At the weekend we screen special sessions for children and teenagers.

    The "Descubre H2O" Room

    The DescubreH20 Room is designed to play learning and finding excitement around every corner. For children from 2 to 7 years old. 

    For more information press here

    Opening hours

    From 1st September to 12st June
    From Tuesday to Saturday: 
    10 a.m. – 2 p.m. / 4.30 p.m. – 7 p.m.
    Sundays: 10 a.m – 2 p.m
    Monday and holydays: closed

    From 13st June to 31st July
    From Monday to Friday: 
    10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
    From Tuesady to Thursday:
    5 p.m. – 8 p.m.
    Saturday, Sunday and holidays: closed

    From 1st to 31st August
    From Monday to Friday:  10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
    Saturday, Sunday and holidays: closed


    General price: 1,50 €
    Reduced price: 1 € (scholars, groups of more than 15 people and visitors until 16 years of old)
    Free entry: citizens over 65
    Planetarium: 1 €

    – The visit is included in the promotion Murcia Tourist Card.
    – General and reduced price allows the visit to the Water Hall, the Discover and Imagine Hall and the Exhition hall.
    – Bank card payment option is not available

    Planetarium information

    For further information about special sessions in the Planetarium in English, French or German, please contact with us in

    Keep in touch

    Getting here

    Museo de la Ciencia y el Agua
    Plaza de la Ciencia, 1. 30002
    Murcia (Spain)